Twelve Homemade Sculptures


12 photographic documents

Size variable 

From June 2020, I started to collect carton boxes from my monthly online orders, painted them with different acrylic colours, then built them up like stacking blocks, and finally, photographed them as documentation. This project lasts for one year. 

This series came from my doubts about why so many items are overpackaged and whether these boxes are destined to end up in a trash bin. What can I do with them? Did people ever notice them? 

Inspired by John Baldessari’s Six Colorful Inside Jobs, I decided to paint these boxes with a single colour, and repeat this action every month.

Each composition represents my buying behaviour in each month. It is interesting to see the number of boxes differ every month and form into unique visual appearances. Also, people will notice that every one of them is uneven, some part is caved in and others have marks of tapes. 

After I photographed them as documents, I use them as the package of items that I need to send to others.



受 John Baldessari《Six Colorful Inside Jobs》的启发,我决定将这些纸箱刷成统一的颜色,并每月重复这一行为。

